Tuesday 21 November 2023

[FIXED] 8 Steps to fix an error occurred while connecting to epic servers?



What is an error occurred while connecting to epic servers?

"Epic Games server error" is a generic term that could refer to various issues or errors encountered while trying to connect to or interact with the servers operated by Epic Games. These errors can manifest in different ways and may have different error codes associated with them. Common reasons for encountering server errors include:

1. **Server Overload:**

   - During peak times or major game releases, Epic Games servers might experience high traffic, leading to temporary server overload and connection issues.

2. **Scheduled Maintenance:**

   - Epic Games occasionally performs scheduled maintenance on their servers to implement updates or address issues. During maintenance periods, players may experience server downtime or errors.

3. **Network Issues:**

   - Problems with your internet connection or network configuration can lead to server errors. This could include issues such as packet loss, high latency, or unstable connections.

4. **Game Specific Issues:**

   - Some server errors may be specific to a particular game (e.g., Fortnite, Rocket League). These errors can occur due to bugs, glitches, or issues on the server side.

5. **Firewall or Antivirus Interference:**

   - Security software or firewalls on your device may block the connection to Epic Games servers, resulting in errors.

6. **Outdated Game or Launcher:**

   - Using an outdated version of the game or launcher may lead to compatibility issues with the server, resulting in errors.

7. **Account Issues:**

   - Problems with your Epic Games account, such as authentication issues or account restrictions, can also lead to server errors.

If you encounter an Epic Games server error, here are some general troubleshooting steps:

- Check the official [Epic Games Status](https://status.epicgames.com/) page to see if there are ongoing server issues.

- Verify your internet connection and ensure it is stable.

- Restart your game, launcher, or device.

- Update your game or launcher to the latest version.

- Check for any announcements or information from Epic Games on their official channels.

If the issue persists, you may need to reach out to Epic Games Support for assistance. Provide any error codes or specific details about the error when seeking help.


8 Steps to fix an error occurred while connecting to epic servers permanently?

If you encounter an error while trying to connect to Epic Games servers, you can try the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

1. **Check Epic Games Server Status:**

   - Visit the official Epic Games Status page to see if there are any ongoing server issues. If servers are experiencing problems, it might not be an issue on your end.

To check the status of Epic Games servers, you can visit the official Epic Games Status page. Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to the Epic Games Status page by visiting [https://status.epicgames.com/](https://status.epicgames.com/).

2. On the Epic Games Status page, you will see a list of various services and their current status. Each service will be marked as Operational, Partial Outage, or Major Outage.

3. Look for the specific service related to the game you are having issues with. For example, if you are playing Fortnite, look for the Fortnite service status.

4. If a service is marked as "Operational," it means that there are no reported issues. If it's marked as "Partial Outage" or "Major Outage," there might be ongoing issues affecting some or all users.

5. Additionally, you can check for any recent updates or announcements related to server status on the page.

Checking the Epic Games Status page is a reliable way to determine whether server issues are affecting the game you are playing. If the servers are reported as operational, but you are still experiencing problems, you may want to try the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier or contact Epic Games support for further assistance.

   - Website: [Epic Games Status](https://status.epicgames.com/)

2. **Check Your Internet Connection:**

   - Ensure that your internet connection is stable. If you're using a Wi-Fi connection, try switching to a different network or using mobile data (or vice versa).

   - To check your internet connection on a smartphone, follow these general steps. Keep in mind that the exact steps might vary slightly based on your device and operating system:

### For Android:

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Navigate to the "Settings" app on your Android device. This is usually represented by a gear icon.

2. **Network & Internet:**

   - Look for an option named "Network & Internet" or "Connections."

3. **Wi-Fi or Mobile Network:**

   - If you're using Wi-Fi, select "Wi-Fi." If you're using mobile data, select "Mobile network" or a similar option.

4. **Connection Status:**

   - You should see the name of your connected Wi-Fi network or mobile network. Check the status to ensure it says "Connected" or "Connected, no internet."

### For iOS (iPhone):

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Go to the "Settings" app on your iPhone. This is usually represented by a gear icon.

2. **Wi-Fi or Cellular:**

   - If you're using Wi-Fi, tap on "Wi-Fi." If you're using mobile data, tap on "Cellular" or "Mobile Data."

3. **Connection Status:**

   - You should see the name of your connected Wi-Fi network or cellular network. Check the status to ensure it says "Connected" or displays the signal strength for cellular data.

### Additional Steps:

- **Check Signal Bars/Icons:**

  - On both Android and iOS, you can usually see signal strength indicators on the status bar at the top of the screen. If there's a Wi-Fi icon or cellular signal bars, it indicates a connection.

- **Open a Web Browser or App:**

  - Try opening a web browser or using an app that requires an internet connection. If you can load a webpage or use an internet dependent app, your connection is likely working.

- **Restart Your Device:**

  - If you're having issues, consider restarting your device. This can help refresh the connection.

If you find that you're connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data but are still experiencing issues, there might be a problem with the network itself or the service provider. In such cases, contacting your internet service provider or mobile carrier for assistance can be helpful.

3. **Verify Game Files:**

   - If the issue is specific to a particular game (e.g., Fortnite), verify the game files. This option is usually available within the game launcher or settings.

Verifying game files is a process that checks the integrity of the game files on your computer and replaces any corrupted or missing files. The steps for verifying game files depend on the platform and game launcher you are using. Here are general instructions for some popular platforms:

### For Steam:

1. **Open Steam:**

   - Launch the Steam client on your computer.

2. **Library:**

   - In your game library, right-click on the game for which you want to verify files.

3. **Properties:**

   - Select "Properties" from the context menu.

4. **Local Files:**

   - Go to the "Local Files" tab.

5. **Verify Integrity of Game Files:**

   - Click on the "Verify Integrity of Game Files" or "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" option.

6. **Wait for the Process to Complete:**

   - Steam will now check your game files for any issues and replace any corrupted or missing files.

### For Epic Games Launcher:

1. **Open Epic Games Launcher:**

   - Launch the Epic Games Launcher on your computer.

2. **Library:**

   - In your game library, find the game you want to verify.

3. **Settings:**

   - Click on the three dots (ellipsis) next to the game's title, then select "Settings."

4. **Verify:**

   - Under the "Verify" section, click on "Verify" or "Verify Integrity."

5. **Wait for the Process to Complete:**

   - The launcher will now verify your game files and replace any that are corrupted or missing.

### For Other Platforms:

- **For Uplay:**

  - In Uplay, go to the game's page, click on the three dots, and select "Verify files."

- **For Origin:**

  - In Origin, right-click on the game, select "Repair Game," and it will verify and repair the game files.

These steps generally apply to many games and launchers, but the exact terminology and process may vary slightly depending on the platform. Always check the official support or help documentation for the specific game or launcher you are using if you encounter any difficulties.

4. **Firewall and Antivirus Settings:**

   - Check your firewall and antivirus settings to make sure they are not blocking the connection to Epic Games servers. You may need to add exceptions or temporarily disable them for testing purposes.

Configuring firewall and antivirus settings properly is crucial for maintaining the security of your computer while ensuring that legitimate applications and services can function without interruption. Here are some tips for managing firewall and antivirus settings:

### Firewall Settings:

1. **Understand Default Settings:**

   - Familiarize yourself with the default settings of your firewall. Most firewalls come with pre-configured settings that provide a balance between security and usability.

2. **Create Rules for Specific Applications:**

   - Create rules or exceptions for specific applications that may require internet access. This is useful for preventing unnecessary prompts or blocks for trusted applications.

3. **Regularly Review Rules:**

   - Periodically review and update the list of allowed and blocked applications. Remove any rules that are no longer necessary or relevant.

4. **Enable Stealth Mode:**

   - If your firewall has a stealth mode or a similar feature, consider enabling it. Stealth mode makes your computer less visible to potential attackers.

5. **Block Incoming Connections:**

   - Configure your firewall to block incoming connections that are not essential. This adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

### Antivirus Settings:

1. **Keep Definitions Updated:**

   - Ensure that your antivirus software is regularly updating its virus definitions. This helps it identify and block the latest threats.

2. **Scheduled Scans:**

   - Set up scheduled antivirus scans to run at times when your computer is typically idle. Regular scans help detect and remove malware.

3. **Real-Time Protection:**

   - Enable real-time protection features to have your antivirus software actively monitor files and processes for malicious activity in real-time.

4. **Heuristic Scanning:**

   - If your antivirus software offers heuristic scanning, enable it. Heuristic analysis helps identify new and previously unknown threats based on behavioral patterns.

5. **Quarantine:**

   - If a file is flagged as potentially harmful, allow your antivirus software to quarantine it rather than immediately deleting it. This gives you the opportunity to review and restore if necessary.

6. **Email and Web Protection:**

   - If your antivirus suite includes email and web protection features, ensure they are enabled to safeguard against threats delivered through these channels.

7. **Password Protect Settings:**

   - If your antivirus software allows, consider password-protecting the settings to prevent unauthorized changes.

8. **Regularly Review Settings:**

   - Periodically review your antivirus software settings to ensure they align with your security preferences and requirements.

Always refer to the user guide or documentation provided by your firewall and antivirus software for specific instructions tailored to the product you are using. Additionally, keep both your firewall and antivirus software updated to benefit from the latest security enhancements.

5. **Update the Game Launcher:**

   - Ensure that your Epic Games Launcher is up-to-date. Developers frequently release updates to address bugs and improve performance.

Updating a game launcher on a smartphone involves accessing the respective app store for your device's operating system (iOS App Store or Google Play Store for Android) and checking for available updates. Here are general steps for both major platforms:

### For Android:

1. **Open Google Play Store:**

   - Launch the Google Play Store on your Android device. You can find it in your app drawer or on your home screen.

2. **Navigate to "My apps & games":**

   - Tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner to open the menu. From the menu, select "My apps & games."

3. **Update Launcher:**

   - Look for the game launcher you want to update in the list of installed apps. If an update is available, you'll see an "Update" button next to the app. Tap "Update" to install the latest version.

### For iOS (iPhone):

1. **Open App Store:**

   - Open the App Store on your iPhone. You can find it on your home screen.

2. **Go to Updates:**

   - Tap on the "Updates" tab at the bottom of the screen. This tab usually has a downward arrow icon.

3. **Update Launcher:**

   - Look for the game launcher in the list of available updates. If there's an update available, you'll see an "Update" button next to the app. Tap "Update" to install the latest version.

### Additional Tips:

- **Automatic Updates:**

  - You can set your smartphone to automatically update apps. In the respective app store settings, look for options related to automatic updates and enable them.

- **Wi-Fi Connection:**

  - It's advisable to update apps when connected to a Wi-Fi network to avoid using mobile data, especially for larger updates.

- **Check Release Notes:**

  - Before updating, you can check the release notes in the app store to see what changes or improvements are included in the latest version.

Keep in mind that the exact steps may vary slightly based on your device model and the version of the operating system it's running. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions about updating a particular game launcher, you can refer to the app's official support documentation or contact their customer support for assistance.

6. **Restart Your Computer:**

   - Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues. Restart your computer and try connecting again.

To restart your computer, follow these general steps based on your operating system:

### For Windows:

1. **Start Menu:**

   - Click on the "Start" menu in the bottom left corner of your screen.

2. **Power Options:**

   - Select the power icon, often represented as a circle with a vertical line, which opens the power options menu.

3. **Restart:**

   - Click on "Restart" from the options. Your computer will close all open applications and processes and then restart.

### For mac OS:

1. **Apple Menu:**

   - Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen.

2. **Restart:**

   - From the drop-down menu, select "Restart." Your Mac will close all open applications and processes and then restart.

### For Linux (Ubuntu - GNOME):

1. **Activities Menu:**

   - Click on the "Activities" menu in the top-left corner.

2. **Power Off/Log Out:**

   - Click on the power icon. You may need to press and hold the "Alt" key to see the "Restart" option if it's not visible.

3. **Restart:**

   - Select "Restart" from the options. Your Linux system will close all open applications and processes and then restart.

### For Linux (Command Line):

If you prefer using the command line, you can open a terminal and type:


sudo reboot


Enter your password when prompted, and your Linux system will restart.

### Additional Tips:

- **Keyboard Shortcut (Windows):**

  - You can also restart your Windows computer by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" and then selecting "Restart."

- **Hold Power Button (Emergency):**

  - In some cases, you can force a restart by holding down the power button for a few seconds. However, this should be used as a last resort and may result in unsaved work being lost.

Remember to save any open documents or work before restarting to avoid data loss. Restarting your computer is a common troubleshooting step and can help resolve various issues.

7. **VPN or Proxy:**

   - If you are using a VPN or proxy, try disabling it. Sometimes, these services can interfere with the connection to game servers.

Disabling a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or proxy involves accessing the settings on your device and turning off the respective services. Here are general steps for disabling VPN and proxy on different platforms:

### Disabling VPN:

#### On Android:

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Go to the "Settings" app on your Android device.

2. **Connections or Network & Internet:**

   - Navigate to the "Connections" or "Network & Internet" section.

3. **VPN:**

   - Look for the "VPN" option and select it.

4. **Toggle Off:**

   - Find the VPN connection you want to disable and toggle the switch to turn it off.

#### On iOS (iPhone):

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Open the "Settings" app on your iPhone.

2. **VPN:**

   - Go to "VPN" in the settings.

3. **Toggle Off:**

   - Find the VPN connection you want to disable and toggle the switch to turn it off.

#### On Windows:

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Open the "Settings" app on your Windows computer.

2. **Network & Internet:**

   - Go to "Network & Internet" settings.

3. **VPN:**

   - Select "VPN" from the left sidebar.

4. **Disconnect:**

   - Find the VPN connection you want to disable and click "Disconnect."

#### On mac OS:

1. **Open System Preferences:**

   - Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner and select "System Preferences."

2. **Network:**

   - Choose "Network" from the preferences.

3. **VPN:**

   - Select the VPN connection you want to disable and click the "Disconnect" button.

### Disabling Proxy:

#### On Windows:

1. **Open Settings:**

   - Open the "Settings" app on your Windows computer.

2. **Network & Internet:**

   - Go to "Network & Internet" settings.

3. **Proxy:**

   - Select "Proxy" from the left sidebar.

4. **Turn Off Automatically Detect Settings:**

   - Toggle off the "Automatically detect settings" switch.

#### On macOS:

1. **Open System Preferences:**

   - Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner and select "System Preferences."

2. **Network:**

   - Choose "Network" from the preferences.

3. **Advanced Settings:**

   - Click on "Advanced" and go to the "Proxies" tab.

4. **Disable Proxy:**

   - Uncheck any enabled proxy options.

#### On Web Browsers (e.g., Google Chrome):

1. **Open Browser Settings:**

   - Open the settings menu in your web browser.

2. **Advanced Settings:**

   - Navigate to advanced settings or privacy settings.

3. **Disable Proxy Settings:**

   - Under the proxy settings or network settings, disable any configured proxy.

These are general steps, and the exact steps may vary slightly based on your device or software versions. Always refer to the specific instructions for your device or application if you encounter any difficulties.

8. **Contact Epic Games Support:**

   - If the issue persists and you've ruled out local network problems, consider reaching out to Epic Games support. They may have specific guidance or be aware of ongoing issues.

If you provide more details about the specific game you are having trouble with or any error messages you receive, I may be able to offer more targeted assistance.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are the general steps to contact Epic Games Support. Keep in mind that procedures may have changed, so it's advisable to check the official Epic Games support website for the most up-to-date information. Here's a general guide:

1. **Visit the Epic Games Support Website:**

   - Go to the official Epic Games Support website at [https://www.epicgames.com/help](https://www.epicgames.com/help).

2. **Select Your Game:**

   - Choose the game you need support for. If your issue is related to the Epic Games Store or the launcher, you can select "Epic Games Store" or a similar option.

3. **Browse Help Articles:**

   - Epic Games provides a collection of help articles that cover a wide range of topics. You may find answers to your questions here.

4. **Contact Us:**

   - If you don't find a solution in the help articles, look for a "Contact Us" or "Submit a Request" option. This is typically found at the bottom of the support page.

5. **Submit a Support Request:**

   - Fill out the necessary information, including details about your issue, and submit a support request.

6. **Live Chat or Email:**

   - Epic Games may offer options for live chat or email support. Follow the instructions provided on the support page.

7. **Check Your Email:**

   - After submitting a support request, check your email for updates from Epic Games Support. They will likely provide instructions or additional information related to your request.

### Additional Tips:

- **Twitter Support:**

  - Epic Games Support often provides assistance via Twitter. You can reach out to [@EpicGames](https://twitter.com/EpicGames) on Twitter for support.

- **Epic Games Forums:**

  - The Epic Games community forums might also have helpful information or community members who can assist. Visit [https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums) for Fortnite-related discussions.

Always be cautious of potential scams. Verify that you are using official Epic Games channels for support. If in doubt, go directly to the official Epic Games website or launcher for contact information.
