Thursday 13 February 2020

Horse girl | hollywood movie | movie summary | netflix | netflix india-2020

Horse girl | hollywood movie | movie summary | netflix | netflix india-2020

netflix,netflix india,hollywood

Horse girl | hollywood movie | movie summary | netflix | netflix india-2020

Discharge date: 7 February 2020 (United States) 

Chief: Jeff Baena 

Wholesaler: Netflix 

Screenplay: Alison Brae, Jeff Baena 

Makers: Alison Brae, Jeff Baena, Alana Carrothers

My name is Sunil and I'm okay and today we're reviewing a Netflix original movie called horse girl .It is a socially awkward woman with a fondness for arts and crafts horses and supernatural crime shows finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life so Jeff Bainer directed this film,his fourth directorial debut it's his fourth

film . I've never heard of any of the other films. I will be checking them out now I think this is a film that we knew about we saw the trailer watched half of the journey . we thought that looks interesting we're gonna check it off let's go the rather and ruin anything yeah let's go and watch the film so I had been an more expectation that it was going to be slightly strange but if you've come across the thumbnail or just the title and somebody says have you seen that new Netflix film horse-girl. you could be forgiven to thinking as one of the hundreds of rom-com indie films that are out there and just skip it and it's gonna be about horses and it's gonna be about horses .this film is not about horses it has a horse in it and there's moments in it where they are horses but this is if I were a swearing review where I would say this is a mic but I'm not so I'm not going to say that instead today did I believe it up ,oh okay I like the protagonist Alison Brie .I think she's great and grow the woman of wrestling. she has a real presence to her screen acting .she's just really intense emotional and then really kind of dry looks but still conveying stuff and I think that was a good choice and having her play this particular character that goes through what is essentially a what it seems like a degradation of your mind just losing your mental a psychotic break yeah your mental capacity to differentiate between what is real and what is not you mentioned that you thought it reminded.

Horse girl | hollywood movie | movie summary | netflix | netflix india-2020

you a lot of Donnie Darko oh yeah yeah yeah it had a bit of a Donnie Darko kind of feel and and essentially also right up until the end had that kind of what mm sort of element that Donnie Darko really has yeah in buckets and you kind of keep going what yeah what so we're going to do the this review in a slightly different way. I'm going to tell you now whether you're the type of person that's gonna like this film and then after we're just going to talk a bit about it from plots points so this will be a short review and then we're actually going to talk a bit smaller stuff so I'll let you know so this film is very interesting .I think it's going to split down the middle I doubt there's going to be anybody in between you're probably either gonna like it already dislike it and then you still be intrigued as to why you disliked it it's a very interesting different film it's like if David Lynch had dropped acid and made a film or just did a David Lynch film maybe it reminded me a bit of The Naked Lunch yeah which I'm you know revealing my age but if you've ever seen a film that was made on drugs yeah at least written if you like films that take its time to get to the it what it's trying to do as well then this is gonna be right up your street. it does take its time there does feel like it's got weird pacing there are shots that it just stays on for ages there's long corridors shots there's purposefully close shots with eyes and you know emotional moments as meson scenes sometimes just everything in that one shot just there for you to feel awkward about and I think this this whole film is basically that it's an awkward film right from the beginning when you think. it might be an indie rom-com because it has that feel about it. it still screams and shouts awkwardness yeah and then it starts building and you can kind of see all right this film is weird as BEC what the hell is going on is probably what you're going to be asking yourself the whole way through and now do you feel like you're either gonna love it or you're gonna hate it and that's kind of what you're getting when you get this film it's put together well it's acted well and that's about all. I'm gonna say on the review I I would have given it one rating right up until like the last 15 seconds and then then the rating dropped dramatically okay ,I think I'm just disappointed with the ending because it feels like rather than let us come to our own conclusions which Donnie Darko did this one actually tells you so that's our kind of review we're gonna jump in just point is now you have been warned but if you're coming to this review for afterwards to try and find figure out what's going on let's chat about it okay ,I guess so the whole film is there's unraveling of this character you don't know whether she's actually mentally like just gone broken there's this whole story about her mother and her family and grandmother and then they're also allude to her dreams and stuff that's going on there so you're trying to figure out you know with the people sleeping next year and then all being very weird is it's time travel but everybody's saying that she's mental, I mean this is my personal opinion I think that it was all real I think that she was actually being abducted by aliens.

 I think that's so were the other two people that she was seeing the one guy like. she said didn't wake up so he didn't remember and that those aliens can and do transport people through time so actually she is her grandmother and her apparent psychosis was just her coming to that realization and so right at the end .she gets zapped up by the aliens and she's gonna get dumped back in the past where she becomes her own grandmother which freaky and weird but you know timey wimey stuff it's like like. she said it's a loop it's just it's got to play out the way it's gonna play out I think I already liked aspects of this film and I understood what it was trying to do towards the end you know it was trying to be that Donnie Darko sort of ask film with time travel trying to get you to guess what it was I think that's when it was strongest yeah when they started revealing stuff and then especially the end wave it was ended .I imagine it was a particularly hard film's end but the way they ended it .I would have gone like. I say to you I would have just shown us back if they were gonna show us I would put her back in time I wouldn't have done the alien things of going up I just I feel like that'd ruin something from the film there was an expectation of you the audience member needs to figure out or kind of guess what do you think it what what happened and leave you like the spinning top and end of inception that works really well yeah this one is about more really yeah and then that's if you're gonna show is that that's what you're gonna show us because what were there aliens and the you know that the other guy we met didn't ever remember but the girl didn't remember but she remembers things well yeah. she remembered elements and then of course woke up one morning from 1995 and suddenly it's it's 2020 inch what the hell where all these buildings where do they come from what's going on so it's fun in places. I also do think it takes its time getting there there are a lot of drawn-out shots .I think it could have been quicker but for the style and aesthetic of it with the tones which I thought were excellent .I thought that this particularly the not the soundtrack but the score of like the turns that they were putting in the whole time if you recognize that when you're watching .it you're recognized that they've been building up from the beginning just adding tones as they go along and then at the end it's really kind of hyped up and you're like well this is weird but I think what's great about the film is that have made you feel uncomfortable the whole way along for various reasons. I think the first reason was her character ,she was so socially awkward yeah that you just felt on edge for her all the time like what is she gonna do yeah. I was holding like the blanket like oh this is so awkward to watch yeah but it wasn't like it wasn't like very often. you get American comedies that are just so cringy but you can't watch them nobody you could watch this but you felt nervous for her on edge for her just very real which is yeah which was really good really well done and I think the way that they explored and kept you questioning is this all in her mind is she becoming like a grandmother and her mother who had obviously had some sort of psychosis or that's what she thought yeah and so it also makes you question like if you've ever if you've ever experienced someone or met someone who has had that kind of a break that kind of a an experience for them it's 100% real hmm and so I guess the movie is questioning who are who are we to say that it isn't real yeah maybe it is real okay I think that's what we need to say about it chats us in the comments below if you think we missed anything or whether you thought it was fake I'd be interested to know whether you think. she was just had a mental break or whether you think it was real yeah I mean the film certainly suggests that it was real but I think that it would have been a better film had ,they left us questioning you know that final scene where she lies down and she closes her eyes and then the lighting changes and she opens her eyes finish it there yeah you keep us guessing what happened what was about to happen or the lighting changes and then you just look at the horse and she's gone like where did she go what happened. I think that would have been a much it would have challenged us more intellectually. we would have been discussing it for longer. we would have been thinking about it more now I'm just thinking uh alien abduction thanks so much for watching this review chat test in the comments below but most of all until next time remember the Romans used.

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